Tuesday, July 21, 2015

June Update

The hardest thing for me about gardening in Iowa, is getting my plants in the ground so late.  I am used the the conditions from zone 7 (Atlanta) and I usually get my plants out by the end of February.  But, since the winter is much more brutal in Iowa I am finally able to finally start planting at the end of May or beginning of June.

I've only lived in Iowa for a year so I have to learn how to grow in these condition.   To be perfectly honest, Iowa is full of farmers so I just have to learn the tricks of the trade.  Last year I grew tons of plants but only a few of them reached full maturity.  This year I pray I will have better success.   If I can't beat the cold snap, I will have to get a grow light to continue indoors.

Please check out the video of my son and I giving you our June update.  If you are familiar with gardening in the Middle America please feel free to leave a suggestion.  Also check out my etsy shop we have items heavily discounted as cheap as one dollar.  Brandy's Botany Bay Seed Shop

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