Recently, a neighbor gave me a umbrella tree and told me it was too big for her home. Naturally, since I am the plant whisper I took it. My family gave me a strange look since the umbrella tree did not stand upright, and it had a rather clumsy look. It was no big deal to me since I didn't mind the challenge.
I got a few stakes and some twine and tied up the umbrella tree so that it had a more suitable look. But there were so many wild branches so I figured it needed a trim. It is not a good idea to throw away a viable pieces of a plant. So I decided to try and root the small piece. I had to search the internet to find out how to root a umbrella tree. I was positive that it could be done, I just didn't know how.
To root a umbrella tree it is as simple a placing a thick healthy stem in water. The only difficult part is waiting approximately 4 months for it to have a healthy root system to plant. Please watch the video below where I demonstrate how I rooted my umbrella tree. I frequently, do plant tutorials so please subscribe to my channel Brandy's Botany Bay
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