Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What is Grabafruit?

Networking can be complicated for home growers. In most case home growers are limited to selling their produce at the local farmers market.  However, many farmers markets have strict regulations such as business license requirements, processing fees and other politics that limit certain people.   However, with the Grabafruit app you are not limited to the possibility of networking with people who are interested in purchasing your products.

Grabafruit is a app that could be downloaded to your iPhone or Android.  It allows you the opportunity to sell, trade and network with other local farmers or consumers.  It even allows the option of mapping out where to forage local fruits, mushrooms, nuts, and edibles.   If you decided that you wanted to trade your local organic watermelons with a fellow farmer who has heirloom cabbages you can allow Grabafruit to be the platform for that transaction. Grabafruit is beneficial to the farmer, consumer and community. For further information check out Grabafruit and download it on your android or iphone device.

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